Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What's Goin' On

Dear Reader(s),

Thanks for sticking with me!  Our household has been a bit on the busy side for the last month.  We recently purchased and installed a storage shed (barn) in the backyard and have been spending most of our time and energy filling it up/ emptying our house.

We went through a major home improvement store to purchase both the shed, and the installation.  After going through what seemed like every choice option possible at the store, we still had three follow up phone calls (which each added to the cost) before the installation.

First they let us know that even though they had asked how big of a loft we wanted, and entered the size, they didn't charge us for it.  Okay, not sure how that's possible, but alright.  The second call was to inform us that even though we had explicitly stated we wanted the permit pulled for us, we again, had not been charged.  Finally, even though we had someone come out to our house to view the site, and review our city's coding ordinances with us, we were told that we needed two anchors for the shed, and that electrical lines needed to be moved.  The lines ended up being telecom, and were an easy (free!) fix, but the anchors were (surprise!) an added cost.

On top of that, the permit was nearly delayed due to someone's vacation and the entire installation was almost rescheduled.  After nearly a month of making arrangements and getting everything in line to be on the schedule.  All that being said, I'd still do it again, just would have preferred to have all the knowledge up front.

Once the installation started though, it flew by and only lasted about 5 hours, which really isn't bad for a 10' x 12' building with a 6' x 10' loft.  The "during" photos were taken through windows, so please excuse the blinds.

The foundation's been built (and anchored!) - decking is going down

Walls are up, prepping for arches

Arches are partially installed

Adding the top of the front wall

Arches and walls are complete

Roof sheeting has started

Roof sheeting almost done

Sheeting done, about to start shingle prep

Underlayment for shingles done

Shingles almost completed

Paint touch-ups and adding the final piece of trim

Finished! - front of shed

Finished! - side of shed

Right door open



And so it sat empty for less than a day.  We decided since there is no ventilation (we plan on converting it to a fully insulated, powered, and temperature controlled space later) we would install radiant barrier and foam sheets to at least help with the sweltering Texas heat.  But that's another story...

Thanks for reading!


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