Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Installing Insulation (of sorts)

Dear Reader(s),

You're back!  And, at least for now, so am I.  Once the shed was finally installed, we were able to start insulating two days later.  We put foil bubble sheets between the rafters and gable studs, and pink foam sheets between the wall studs.  Eventually, we'll go back and add in radiant barrier across the rafters, but that's for down the road.  After this two day project, we were just happy to be able to have it ready to start moving things in.

Most of the ceiling done

My hot husband finishing up the loft end gable

Look at all that fabulous silver
Working on the walls

Even with the insulation, fans were needed - we are in Texas after all

End of the first day of loading in from the garage
After two days of hard work from my husband, the shed was insulated and much cooler than it had been the first day.  We still don't plan to store candles out there anytime soon, but it should make it a bit more tolerable at least.

I was thrilled that in addition to that, we managed to get the majority of the garage cleared out, even if it was a temporary win.  Shortly afterwards, we picked up another project and the shed AND garage have become dumping grounds for the time being.  More on that situation in the future.

Thanks for reading!


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